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Services provided by Cooperatives Division​

The Cooperatives Division has the statutory duty to ensure that the co-operative societies operate within the co-operative legal regulatory framework. It assists in the consolidation, promotion and development of the co-operative movement through the creation and provision of a favourable and conducive environment.
The following are the main services provided by the Co-operatives Division:
  • ::  Provision of legal and institutional framework for co-operatives and co-operative development
  • ::  Formation and registration of co-operative societies
  • ::  Monitoring and supervision of the activities of co-operative societies
  • ::  Provision of education and training to the co-operative movement
  • ::  Guidance and technical consultancy services to co-operative societies and federations for
        the implementation of their plans and projects
  • ::  Providing technical and financial assistance for the implementation of projects for the development
        of the co-operative sector
  • ​::  Audit of financial accounts co-operative societies

 Content Editor ‭[1]‬