Compendium of "Incentives, Facilities and Support Services to
Co-operative Societies"
Various Ministries, Departments and Governmental Organizations provide a series of incentives, facilities and support services which may benefit cooperative societies. The cooperative societies may take advantage of these incentives, facilities and support services to boost and consolidate their business activities. However, many cooperative societies are not aware of these incentives, facilities and support services.
In this respect, the Cooperatives Division of the Ministry of Industrial Development, SMEs and Cooperatives has prepared a Compendium of “Incentives, Facilities and Support Services to Co-operative Societies” to make cooperative societies aware of these incentives, facilities and support services.
The Compendium is a document on incentives, facilities and support services being put at the disposal of primary, secondary and tertiary cooperative societies by different Ministries, Departments and Governmental Organizations.
The Compendium will aim at the following:
(i) Dissemination of information on incentives, facilities and support services to cooperative societies; and
(ii) Facilitating access to information on incentives, facilities and support services to cooperative societies.
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